A party of Directors from Bulmer & Lumb Group were invited by Lloyds Bank to tour the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry.
Established in 2010, with the aim of integrating industry & academia, the MTC has the mission to “inspire great British manufacturing”. The site is one of the largest public sector investments in manufacturing to date. It is a purpose built site, located on what was previously an airfield. The centre houses some of the most advanced technology available in the UK, including 3D printing, laser technology, virtual engineering and advanced robotics. The MTC now employs 400 staff, has over 85 industrial members and spans a wide range of manufacturing sectors.
The Lloyds Bank Adanced Manufacturing Training Centre, openend in November 2015 is located next door to the original MTC and aims to address the skills shortage currently facing the UK's manufacturers. The centre specialises in training young engineers, supplies SMEs and companies in the manufacturing supply chain with skilled apprentices, and up-skills those already working in manufacturing.
The facility offers the capability of simulating, modelling and the use of virtual reality to reduce the risk of introduction of such new technologies into existing businesses. It was initially set up with companies such as Jaguar and Hewlett Packard but is now offering its services to SMEs.
Directors Matthew Whitehead & David Midgley outside the centre.
Finance Director, Matthew Whitehead commented: "The Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry showcases the cutting edge of manufacturing technology and gives an insight into what tomorrow’s manufacturing could be like.
The 3D metal printing technology was of particular interest. If this technology becomes mainstream, then in the future every manufacturer may have a 3D printer. Rather than ordering a new machine part, pipe, etc… the company could print it on site, reducing the down time of machinery and requirement to carry an inventory of parts."
More infomation on the MTC & the Advanced MTC